Register Now Registration Form Please complete this form and submit to enroll. Name* First Last Address* Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Which Class Are You Registering For?* 4 Week Basic Los Osos 10/27 4 Week Basic Cambria 10/28 Reactive Rover Morro Bay 9/21 Los Osos Drop In Agility 9/21 Cambria Drop In Agility 9/29 Training Walk Estero Bay 9/28 Leash Training Workshop Morro Bay 10/26 How did you hear about us?*FacebookSearch EngineShelter FacilityVet's OfficeLocal AdWord of MouthNextdoorCare4PawsNewspaper ArticleYour Dog's InformationDog's Name* First Breed / Mix* Age* How long have you had the dog?* Spayed / Neutered?* Yes No Hours of exercise per week?* Hours spent alone each day?* Specific Goals / Concerns*15% Discount at Lemos Feed & Pet SupplyNo, thanksYes, pleaseGood Dogma is pleased to offer an ongoing, 6-week discount of 15% at Lemos Feed & Pet Supply. Available to 4 week group class students only. Discounts are provided on dog accessories, training supplies, and Natura Brand dog food (EVO, Innova, California, Karma, Healthwise) for six (6) weeks, beginning with the first business day after our first class. In order to receive your discount, we must furnish LF&PS with your name, address, phone number, email, and dog's name. Please indicate your authorization below. Registration Contract: I authorize Good Dogma to provide information, education and demonstrations regarding training and or behavior modification for me and my dog. I understand that the outcome of the training is not guaranteed, nor fees refunded for training failure. I understand I must work with my dog consistently, to ensure training success and improvement with problem behaviors. I agree that I am responsible for the training and safety of my dog. As the legal owner/guardian of the dog named above, I hereby waive and release good dogma from any and all claims of injury, damage or liability my dog may inflict to any other dog, person or structure at this time and in the future. I have thoroughly reviewed this contract and understand all terms and conditions.* I agree to the terms of this contract. CAPTCHAUntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird Choice